Olaf Nicolai (Halle/Saale, 1962)
Tra le sue mostre personali più recenti sono da ricordare: nel 2008
Considering a Multiplicity of Appearances in Light of a Particular Aspect of Relevance. Or: Can Art be Concrete?, Carolina Nitsch Project Room, New York;
Yeux de paon, Weltecho, Chemnitz.
In precedenza ha esposto al Leonhardi Museum, Dresda (2007);
DURST, Salle de Bains, Lione (2007);
Considering a multiplicity of appearances... (Insert 5), Hamburger Kunstverein; Constantin, Kunstraum Dornbirn (2006);
Conversation Pieces, Museo Praz, Roma (2006);
La Lotta, Galerie Eigen+Art, Lipsia (2006);
30 Farben at Printed Matter, Printed Matter, New York (2005);
Odds and Ends, Kunstmuseum Thun (2004);
Privacy: A programme of symposia, The Henry Moore Foundation, Protoacademy, Edimburgo (2004).
Ha partecipato, tra le altre, alle mostre collettive
Geo/Metric, Museum of Modern Art, New York (2008); Manifesta 7, Manifattura Tabacchi, Rovereto (2008); Athens Biennial (2007);
Half square, half crazy, Villa Arson, Nizza (2007);
Modelle für Morgen, European Kunsthalle Colonia (2007);
Wiederaufbau Flamme der Revolution, Städtischen Galerie Wolfsburg (2007);
The Freak show, Musée d'Art Contemporain, Lione (2007);
Nature Design, Museum für gestaltung, Zurigo (2007);
Ordnung + Verführung, Haus Konstruktiv, Zurigo (2006);
Play station, Sprengel Museum Hannover (2006),
This is America!, Central Museum Utrecht (2006);
Eye on Europe: Prints, Museum of Modern Art, New York (2006),
Mozart 06, Salisburgo (2006);
Tokyo Blossoms, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (2006); Sharjah Biennal (2005);
Model Modernisms, Artists Space, New York (2005); Biennale di Venezia (2005, 2001); Bienal de Sevilla (2004); Outlook, Atene (2003); Gwangju Biennale (2002); Sydney Biennial (2002), Documenta X, Kassel (1997).
Tra i suoi libri e pubblicazioni più recenti vanno ricordati
La Lotta (2006),
Parkett 78 (2006),
Rewind - Forward (2003),
Enjoy-Survive (2001),
30 Farben (2000).
Il suo film in 35mm
Rodakis è stato presentato al Berlin Film Festival del 2008.